Saturday 20 May 2017

Thunderous Applause

There was once an old widow... who lived by the sea...

Long 'go, her Civilization had been brought to its knees...

It started, she'd say, 'cited, given a chance, with you and me....


Well she herself... she kissed her mommy and daddy goodbye...

She gave up on hay rides and no curfews with a sigh

She sided with Antifa-- who could blame her? Nazis?  Huh!--

And she labeled everyone in her life an unhealthy relationship

Thereby exiting best friend, ex-fiance, parents and bruhs,

Binding herself up on a Commie Slave Ship

She knew after all, Big Brother would protect her

And she'd already lost so much... a little more wouldn't matter

Just a little more freedom, her dreams already gone

She hadn't been a lucky one, one to make it like a song

And if she couldn't have it, and if Freedom was a lie...

Well best ol' Antifa, keep her by their side!

An' what did Liberty matter?  It was better than Trump

After all if she did what she was told to, there'd be no tranq in the rump!

And wouldn't the Patriots put her in Asylum anyway?

Better, wasn't it, to give the People their day! 

But oh!  The lies, the gaslighting, reality proved stronger,

And next several years she got by and grew stronger

Learning to lie, and pretend she didn't miss the ones she loved

With her fake smiles to her fake friend--

She'd trade every one of them for one she truly loved!

And the speech it was fine, they learned Form and Hip Hop and Pop

And they said things in style, unlike their uncool turned-'way Rot

And there was nothing for it, the Patriots were gone

And who in Hell was funding this song?

Cause Google was gone, and the Net was a whore

And even Trump, seemed better and more

If you could log on, to a remaining computer,

You'd pay lip service, to the saint who let you as Savior

And for the love of St. Bernie, but what did she espy

Than a war with Russia, for 'Merican Pride

And but seven years later...

She sits by the sea...

The nukes were all that ever mattered....

She submits to God, like all Man... on her knees....

**The writer humbly regrets any false appearance of condoning Radical Republicanism.  If there is to be a 1984, and you care who runs it... Fuck you.**
**In humility, the writer submits that the person she has written about is 100% herself.  If Democracy dies, it is to be noted it is already with thunderous applause.**

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